Tuesday 3 March 2015

Monday 2 March 2015

Sunday 1 March 2015

Saturday 28 February 2015

stop music

In Islam Is Music is food for the soul"???
The voice of shayatan(devil), which prophet Mohammad(s.w.a) said and what he said was haq(TRUTH),will cause nifaq(hipocrisy) to grow plant in your heart like how water cause a plant grow.so that when the time of your death comes according
to some scholars, you will not able to recite kalimah(statement of faith). That haram(prohibated) not only are you doing.you bring your children onto it also.
Stay away from this and what will Allah give us?
Prophet Mohammad(s.w.a) said that Ummati of mine will not listen haram music of this world in Jannat Allah will command two hoors to sit at his feet,the trees of jannah,the leaves osf jannah command, play music...play music,music will be play...whose voices are such thatif dead man had to hear her he would come to life.......!!!

Sunday 4 January 2015